Wednesday, 9 May 2012

A few bits and pieces

Just realised I havn't put recent happenings on here...
Here's a Captain Flatcap freebie! enjoy : )

For those of you that are unaware, I now have my own weekly radio show on Kane 103.7fm. It's called 'That Swing Thing' and is every Friday from 11am to 1pm. For those of you outside the broadcast range (about 10-20 miles from Guildford), you can listen online on the official site. I did my first show last Friday which went well, sadly I havn't managed to get hold of a recording of it yet, hopefully get that sorted soon, anyway tune in every Friday!

Also... myself and the rest of the band were guests on last week's 'Boileroom Show' on KaneFM. Just chatted about what we're all about, recent happenings and such, here's the segment from that:

Sadly no gig update, we're current working hard on getting our live set to an hour for Noisily Festival at the end of the month, can't wait! It's going to be the real deal yo!

That is it from me, for now...

Peace y'all